It was 2015 and I had just left a dead-end career filled with false hopes and someone else’s dreams. Years of unforeseen struggles in my life blessed me with a new cherished direction.
Unanswered prayers became more evident when I began to understand the importance of finding my peace.
The good-paying job I left behind was in the legal field with paid medical and retirement to boot. Surprisingly, redirecting my career in a different direction was not as frightening as one would expect.
The voices in my head were not ignored when I moved from the only home I had known and began anew. I was fast approaching 50-years-old. The time to make my move was now and no one was going to do it for me.
How can I make an impact on the world? Do I have any talents that can be used to help make this world a better place? I paused. Just then my photographic memory rewound to the vision of my 7-year-old-girl self, desperately wanting to make a difference in this wonderful yet troubled world. Without giving it much thought, writing was my natural response.
Writing had been my escape as a child and during my teenage years when high school drama and parental demands challenged my happiness. Writing had calmed my nerves and helped me discover my peace.
We packed up and moved to beautiful Lake County, living on the meager remains of my retirement and I was running low on funds. Day after day I researched my writing options, following the necessary steps I needed in order to make a difference and earn a decent living.
After weeks of endless research (many hours were spent over the weekends when I was still employed) I understood the importance of weighing my options and discovering job security in a new career field. I still had to be wise regarding my life choices and not carelessly risk the chance of being homeless due to a childhood pipedream.
I built my author website, joined multiple writing forums and created a writing profile on various job lead platforms. Then, the remote writing projects began to trickle in.
My first client is unforgettable. She was the daughter of a real-life mafia man who ran with the mob in the 1970s. My quote to ghostwrite her book was in the low range as I was more focused on increasing my author following. This project became the beginning of many more book projects to come.
This true-crime story had a strong release but due to the mafia discovering their now dead mobster’s daughter published a book filled with their criminal confessions, she started receiving odd phone calls, death threats and strange accidents occurred. I felt blessed to not have my name printed on the front cover; ghostwriting had saved me (in many ways).
My next client was life-changing. He was friends with Michael Jackson and managed his Neverland Amusement Park during the 1988-1996 eras. This humble man grew tired of the false accusations by the media and the yes-men that tried to control Michael’s life.
He reached out to me with never-before-seen pictures and his hand-written notes of their meaningful conversations, the humorous side of Michael that many were not able to see and Michael’s awkward shyness with conversation. I was thrilled to be part of such a positive project as this book is celebrated worldwide today.
A mutual respect grew between us and I learned the truths about Michal Jackson through his genuine friend, who became my lifelong friend.
I am living the dream.
I meet extraordinary people from all over the world – from misunderstood superstars to spiritual healers to animal sanctuary founders with outpouring love and dedication for all animals.
I love my job because I can make a difference.
Once I settled in to this quaint country town I now call home, I reached out to the editor of a local newspaper. My hope was to write true crime stories for the paper. The following week I received a phone call from the editor, welcoming me on board with The Record-Bee.
I still continue to cover true crime for the media and balance the chaos in my brain by writing children’s books.
The first children’s book in my Bubbly Jock Jack adventure series won humor and animals awards. My theme for this book series was to spread kindness, peace and strength to children who are different, misunderstood and bullied. I took my intent one step further and donated proceed of my book to animal sanctuaries.
I love my job because every day presents a unique opportunity that is filled with unexpected inspirational interactions.
It may sound cliché when I say that I do have the job of my dreams. There is nothing I would rather do than celebrate the small impact I have made with animal sanctuaries, children who are being bullied and bring humor to those who may need a lift. My impact may be small but I will keep moving forward and lift others when I can.
Every day is a gift. Every day is an adventure.
I may not earn the high salary as I did in my previous career, but I love my job and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Peaceful productivity lights my soul on fire with a sense of purpose when I am helping others – either with their writing, book marketing or book formatting.
Being a true-crime writer for the news, I balance the chaos in my brain by writing children’s books.